Remains of the Day: Please, sir, can I have some more?


Ah, Facebook. Apple's with the social networking company continues, thanks to a rumored snub at Tuesday's event. According to well-researched speculation, Facebook's long-awaited iPad app had been scheduled to be debuted on-stage, but Apple informed the company on Monday night that this would not be the case. Instead, Facebook may introduce the app (and its HTML5 framework for building Web apps) at its own event. Because, y'know, they can't just go ahead and submit it to the App Store without fanfare .


Lines? Pre-orders? Pah. Who wants to do that, when you can order your new shiny Apple gadget on the sad, outdated husk of technology you're about to leave behind? AT&T CEO Ralph de la Vega informed AllThingsD that soon, the company would provide a method to do just that from an iPhone app. And, in the future, when you want an iPhone 5, you'll just tell Siri, "Improve yourself." At which point it will rise up against you.

(SF Examiner)

Remember that supposedly-missing iPhone 4S prototype, and the quasi-secret search that followed? Sergio Calderon, the man whose home plainclothes officers and Apple employees searched, is not too happy. In fact, he's hired the services of a lawyer to look into the legality of the whole situation. Apple, ever willing to accommodate, has offered to hire a plainclothes judge and jury to hear his case.