Remains of the Day: Pinch to zoom zoom


Sprint CEO Dan Hesse told CNet that the carrier will likely stick with unlimited data for the next generation of iPhone. No surprise there, since it's a key differentiator from the company's rivals, none of which currently offer unlimited data. Except, of course, for the . (They have a great roaming plan.)


Speaking of carrier data, AT&T has apparently improved its Pay as You Go offerings. Now $5 will get you 50MB, instead of 10MB; $15 will get you 200MB instead of 100MB; and $25 will get you 1GB instead of 500MB. But your firstborn will only still get you 2GB.

- Smile's PDF creation and editing software has been updated to version 5.8, bringing support for iCloud folders and documents on OS X Lion, fixing issues with optical character recognition (OCR), and dropping support for 32-bit processors in favor of ARC memory management. Free updates; for new users, $50 for PDFpen, $100 for PDFpenPro.