Remains of the Day: No matter where you go


Well, with all these accusations and questions swirling, what has the Grand Poobah to say for himself? According to a purported e-mail from Steve Jobs to a MacRumors reader, "We don't track anyone. The info circulating around is false." In a followup, Jobs continued, "I mean, why would we track you? Just to find out that you've been to the grocery store every day for the past two weeks only to buy a package of double chocolate Milanos? What good would that information do us, really?"


Warner Music will reportedly join Apple . Sources claim the two have signed an agreement which will supposedly allow online streaming of the label's music to owners of Apple devices. They've even rigged a special sensor at Warner Music headquarters that goes every time somebody streams a song.

(Boy Genius Report)

Is the iPhone coming to T-Mobile? Boy Genius Report claims to have pictures of a prototype iPhone 4 running on T-Mobile's 3G network, though even the site says the phone is most likely just a test unit in preparation for . Come on, guys, this obviously isn't real: I mean, for one thing, it's !