Remains of the Day: Hip to be square


But the more important data point is that in August 2011, the iPad was apparently responsible for 97.2 percent of The remaining 2.8 percent? Etch-a-Sketches.


According to preliminary benchmarks, the iPhone 4S is one speedy little fella, even though it's still outpaced by its larger brother, the iPad 2. However, my preliminary tests have confirmed unequivocally that both move at exactly the same speed when you drop them in a vacuum.

(The Daily Beast)

Aaron Sorkin, creator of phenomenal TV shows like and --and, more recently, writer of hit movies like and --talks about his relationship with Steve Jobs, which mainly consists of a series of phone calls over the last decade, culminating in the former CEO's attempt to get him to write a Pixar movie. No doubt, it would have involved Woody and Buzz spending a lot of time speaking rapid-fire dialog while walking down corridors.