Remains of the Day: Another satisfied customer survey


About a week after a article , current Apple CEO Tim Cook has reportedly sent out a message to the company's employees announcing a matching gift program. Apple will mirror charitable donations of up to $10,000 per year. And note, for accounting purposes Microsoft is not considered a charity. Yet.


Apple's transition to Final Cut Pro X for lacking many features available in the previous version, so it's no surprise that the company may be treading carefully when updating one of its other pro-level apps, Logic. According to one report, Apple is saying that the rumored Logic Pro X won't borrow too heavily from its consumer-level partner, GarageBand. Instead, in a surprise development, the program will instead be largely inspired by Apple's now defunct application iWeb.


John King argues that Apple's wouldn't fly--get it? Because it's a --in San Francisco or Oakland, but fits perfectly in Silicon Valley. I just hope that when this spaceship finally lifts off, carrying the remnants of the human race, that I've somehow managed to smuggle myself aboard.