Reader Q&A: Fix IE, Replace Parts, Customize Icons


That's a good thing, as it gives you the opportunity to replace a dead or defective part with something better. For example, if you used a wired keyboard before, why not try a wireless model this time out? If your mouse goes, consider replacing it with a trackpad. If you suddenly find yourself in the market for a new monitor, go bigger!

Of course, there's one exception to this advice: If the defective part is still under warranty, obviously you'll want to contact the manufacturer about getting a replacement. More often than not it'll be an identical item, though if it's discontinued, the company may send you something comparable--or, if you're lucky, an upgrade.

Another exception: RAM. Although you might look upon a faulty RAM module as a great opportunity to add extra memory to your PC, make sure to obey the .

Lis is a Windows 7 user who likes to use custom icons for folders. This is done, of course, by right-clicking a folder, choosing Properties, clicking the Customize tab, and then clicking the Change Icon button.