Prepare for the PMP Exam Part 4: Study Materials


PMP exam preparation courses are also available online. They tend to be less expensive than the in-person workshops. Some online prep courses are intensive, while others are self-paced. Choose the option that best suits your study style. Do lots of comparisons and read testimonials before you commit to one.

Successful PMPs will tell you to have your study materials with you at all times. That way, when you're stuck in a waiting room, you can study for the exam. Thanks to PMP exam prep videocasts, you don't have to lug your PMBOK Guide and exam prep book everywhere you go.

PMP exam prep videocasts are powerful learning tools that reinforce concepts from the PMBOK Guide through audio-visual training. You can download them to your smartphone, MP3 player or laptop so that they're always handy and portable. I created one called .