Prepare for the PMP Exam Part 4: Study Materials


Most certified Project Management Professionals (PMPs) will tell you that they used a PMP exam prep book in addition to studying from the PMBOK Guide. PMP exam prep books complement the PMBOK Guide, and I highly recommend using them. Two that I recommend are by Diane Altwies and Janice Preston, and Andy Crowe's .

PMP exam prep books explain the PMBOK Guide, a dry, scholarly reference book, in plain English and systematically take you through its concepts. Many give you tips about what to expect on test day and come with a CD full of sample questions.

PMP exam prep workshops are a good option if you prefer a classroom setting and need more one-on-one interaction. They are also great places to network with other aspiring PMPs, and project managers who register for them end up forming study groups with other participants. Another benefit of these workshops is that they usually satisfy the 35 contact hours required to apply to take the PMP exam.

Many local PMI chapters offer a series of weekend classes. Make sure that your teacher is PMP certified and that the presentations are based on the current PMBOK Guide and current exam.