Philippine gov't pushes for IPv6 adoption


In 2005, ASTI set up an IPv6 firewall, conducted research and experimented with mobile IPv6 and Voice over IPv6, and deployed IPv6 in the ASTI local area network. 'You can actually do IPv6 with very simple equipment,' said Villorente. 'We are sharing this experience with universities so they can be ready once IPv6 is fully implemented,' he said.

Hughes likened IPv4 to a girdle that keeps the Internet from growing. 'Mobile phones are in their third or fourth generation, while the Internet is still in its first generation,' said Hughes. He explained that IPv6 is more than just zillions more of distinct addresses, it also means better routing and automatic network configuration, better security, better audio and video streaming, among others.

'We're sitting on a time bomb; by 2007, IPv4 will run out of addresses. PLDT is positioned to be at the forefront of this emerging technology,' said Eric Alberto, PLDT senior vice-president and corporate business group head.