Philippine call center goes global


Since most companies in the U.S. outsourced their telemarketing offshore to countries like the Philippines, these recorded conversations may actually involve Filipino call center agents. But as an independent TPV provider, David said a player like Pilipinas Teleserv has a "relationship" only with the principal client (or the one that outsources its telemarketing), not with the call center that provides the telemarketing service.

TPV is also meant to complement Pilipinas Teleserv's current business. The company operates a 200-seat facility, located in Quiapo in the city of Manila, which employs around 320 agents that fill up three eight-hour shifts.

"Our current services for DFA and NSO takes up mainly our dayshifts so TPV takes up our excess capacity at night," David said. "We knew we were too small to do outbound telemarketing ourselves."

And since TPV is not quota-driven like telemarketing, the requirement of the business is not that large in terms of manpower. For every 100 telemarketers, three or four agents can handle TPV, said David.

Pilipinas Teleserv plans to hire at least 60 more agents this year to beef up its TPV unit as the company looks for more clients. David added: "In telemarketing, there is someone else in the equation aside from the client and the service provider. We want (Pilipinas Teleserv) to be that "someone else."