Partners: HP now needs to show PC commitment


Partners agree it is the right move for HP, not only for them, but also for customers.

"Let's presume that the review they've done was exhaustive and the answer they've come with up is the right one so they can continue to commit to the sorts of investments they need to make in the technology platforms to make sure that they maintain relevance to customers and remain a player in that space," Data#3 managing director, John Grant, said. "This is a good outcome for everyone."

The actions the HP board has undertaken during this process, is also a point of consideration.

"Within a short space of three months, they can allow and approve a board-endorsed strategy to be announced by the CEO, and allow the CEO to change that strategy 360 degrees and endorse that, and they can now endorse that strategy 360 degrees again, what does that really say about the board of directors, it's a big question mark," he said.

Corporate Express general manager of IT solutions, Ahmed Latif, said it was a wise move the vendor made.