Ninja Theory Gives Capcom's Devil May Cry a Reboot


How deep is the combat in DmC?

The thing that you can do that we really think is going to add the next level to combat is you can seamlessly switch between weapons. We used to use royal guard and trickster and gunslinger styles and we've streamlined that so now you can really just go from a demon-lined weapon like the ax straight into using a seethe, which is an angel-based weapon. By manipulating Dante's alignment, angel or demon, you can eventually create an infinite series of combos.

What's a cool combo that you can pull off new in this game?

One thing you can do is walk up to a guy and use the uppercut and throw him into the air with a classic DMC move. And then you can use your angel power to lift up that guy, see another guy down on the ground, pull him up. Now these two ground-based enemies are airborne, so they're helpless and Dante can pull angel or demon moves with these guys and slash at them. The air element of combat adds another level of deck to combat. It's like 360 degrees of mayhem.

What are some of the different enemies that Dante will go up against?