New MacBook Pro speed tests


Comparing the new 13-inch MacBook Pros to the last unibody 13-inch MacBook, we see that the new 2.26GHz MacBook Pro is about 12 percent faster overall than the 2GHz unibody MacBook.

Looking at the performance differences between the new 2.26GHz MacBook Pro and the lowest priced Mac laptop, the new 2.13GHz white MacBook, we find about a 7.5 percent improvement in Speedmark scores with the 2.26GHz MacBook Pro. Highlights include somewhat faster frame rates in 3-D games, thanks to the faster 1,066MHz DDR3 RAM that the MacBook Pro uses (the white MacBook uses 800MHz DDR2 memory).

Maybe the most interesting comparison is between the 13-inch 2.53GHz MacBook Pro and the new 15-inch 2.53GHz MacBook Pro. There is less than a one percent difference in the Speedmark scores for these two, and their specifications are nearly identical. The $200 price difference essentially buys you two more inches of diagonal screen real estate.

Apple previously offered two 15-inch models; this time, Apple added a third standard configuration 15-inch MacBook Pro that achieves a lower price point by providing only the GeForce 9400M graphics processor; it doesn't have the higher-power Nvidia GeForce 9600M GT graphics found in the rest of the 15-inch MacBook Pro configurations. The low-end 15-inch MacBook Pro costs $1,699 and comes with a 2.53GHz Core 2 Duo processor, 4GB of 1,066MHz DDR3 memory, and a 250GB hard drive.