Macalope Weekly: This iPad thing may really take off


Whatever. Of the serious options, Apple still has the cheapest 10-inch tablet when you factor in then entire cost. And if 16GB is enough for the horny one, it should be enough for lots of people. Don’t be a size queen.

Well, at least the Xoom still holds the edge in .

While the Macalope thinks the iPad 2 is a solid update, he also thinks Apple correctly decided it had the situation well enough in control (read: sitting on a heap of the skulls of its enemies, drinking a flagon of mead) that it could keep some of its powder dry.

Adrian Kingsley-Hughes :

“Why wasn’t the iPad 2 a more impressive upgrade?” This is a question that I’ve heard a lot since yesterday’s iPad 2 announcement. The short answer is that it didn’t need to be any better - it’s still more than good enough to toast the competition.