Leaked Microsoft roadmap shows 2013 launch for Office 15


Most experts anticipate a formal release of Windows 8 -- at least the desktop version -- in the , because they assume Microsoft wants new Windows 8 PCs on shelves during this year's holiday sales season.

IE10's launch was marked as some time in the second half of 2012.

One analyst said the roadmap demonstrated just how opaque Microsoft is when it comes to disseminating information to customers. "Not only do ISVs [independent software vendors] and corporations need to know release dates, but as a customer, you need to know them, too," said Michael Cherry of Directions on Microsoft.

"Everyone needs a timeline that's dependable, but it's not enough to just give us dates," Cherry said, referring to the leaked document. "You have to give us descriptions why those dates are what they are."

That's something that Microsoft doesn't do early enough in its development process, Cherry said, making it nearly impossible for software makers like Visser, companies that craft their own applications for internal use, and customers -- especially enterprises -- to make intelligent decisions on developing for a new platform or migrating to it.