IT fuels new Hong Kong long-haul air airline


We are also using a new-generation distribution system. Our system does not adhere to BSP (billing and settlement plan, a system that handles transactional data and funds between airlines and agencies), and that helps us to reduce cost tremendously.

CWHK: What is the role of IT in this business model?

MW: IT is an intrinsic part of our corporate development and a core part of our business model.

Being one of the founding members, I took up both marketing and IT in the early stages of corporate development. This approach had IT developed hand-in-hand with the business units and a better understanding of what was required from the users. At the same time, we were able to design and drive new features for our service, allowing us to provide a unique product and build a distinctive market position.

IT also plays a critical role in supporting our new-generation distribution model. Direct distribution, which means passengers buying tickets directly from us through our web site, is a large component for our operation model. We need to make sure that the system is convenient, safe and able to deal with exceptional situations gracefully.