iPhone 5 rumor rollup for the week ending Nov. 4


Though the orders won't be finalized until December, DigiTimes' sources also claim that the parts inventory for "the next-generation iPads" will be enough to build 2 million of these products by the end of 2011.

The one potential news item is that "Apple has asked makers in the supply chain to develop flat panel modules and LED light bars for two iPad prototypes, codenamed J1 and J2, the sources revealed." There's no indication if this is actually part of the purported 2012 iPad overhaul, or a longer-range product development.

The iOSphere was off and running. GamePro's headline read "iPhone 5 and iPad 3 Will Release in 2012, Says ."  Writer Patrick Shaw seemed a bit confused about whether the parts had already been ordered or were in the process of being ordered, considering that DigiTimes made it clear the orders won't be final until next month. "I just hope we don't have to wait too far into 2012 to see what Apple's next-gen devices will be all about," he wrote, apparently missing the 20% of the DigiTimes story that claimed the iPhone and iMac at least won't be revealed until the latter half of the year.

transmuted DigiTimes' 142 words into 448 words, leading with the claim that "the highly anticipated redesigned iPhone 5 and iPad 3 are set to be released in 2012 as a part of Apple's product overhaul, the DigiTimes has reported."

"In October, a vicious stream of rumors, coupled with a delayed release, led Apple fans to expect the launch of an entirely redesigned iPhone 5," IBTimes noted, without a trace of irony about its own role in contributing to that vicious torrent.