iPad teardown reveals first-rate design, build


Vronko also applauded Apple's use -- or reuse -- of some of the components already proven in the iPhone and iPod Touch, such as the BlueTooth and Wi-Fi radio parts. "Apple reused a lot of the smaller elements of the iPhone 3GS in the iPad, or the next generation of those parts," he said Such repurposing also helped Apple keep down the manufacturing cost of the iPad.

"We're talking about the accessory parts here," he cautioned, "not the things that define the device."

Even so, Vronko dinged Apple on some aspects of the iPad. "Nothing here is pushing the envelope," he said. "The LCD is nice, but it's not cutting edge."

Apple could have added several more hours to the iPad's battery life if it had pushed for a more advanced display technology, such as OLED (organic light emitting diode), which earlier this year in its then-still-rumored tablet. Because the display consumes more power than any other iPad component, and its requirements thus define how long an iPad can run between charges, an OLED screen would have extended the tablet's battery life to at least 18 hours, Vronko said.

Apple estimates that the iPad can run up to 10 hours before needing recharging, although have said they got as many as 12 hours out of a charge.