Inside Apple's secret plan to kill the cash register


No doubt payment would happen through iTunes accounts as detailed in , and Apple would receive a micropayment with every transaction.

Apple has built Bluetooth 4.0 into every computer, tablet and phone it has shipped since the middle of 2011, representing millions of users. The world does not have to wait for a gradual NFC rollout. The underlying wireless technology has already been deployed at scale.

Note that Apple has not announced a Bluetooth 4.0 digital wallet system. But after considering Gil's analysis, I believe that the introduction of such a system would explain why Apple rolled out Bluetooth 4.0 so aggressively. It would also be in line with Apple's obvious contempt for cash registers, and it would greatly enhance Apple's effort to take over retail point-of-sale systems with the iPad.

Bluetooth 4.0 would enable retail stores to roll out instant iWallet point-of-sale systems that use iPads or Apple desktops or laptops. These systems would eliminate the need for iPhone owners to go to a checkout counter or use a credit card.

Stores using cash registers and Wallet could also cheaply and easily offer Bluetooth 4.0 iWallet solutions as well. That would give iPhone users the retail equivalent of the airlines' "business class" status; unlike users of credit cards or Google Wallet, they wouldn't have to wait in line or even go anywhere near a checkout counter to pay for their purchases.