Hitachi Touro Mobile Pro 750GB is a speedy performer


The drive comes preformatted for Windows, and no software is included to format it for the Mac, so you'll have to format it yourself using Disk Utility, especially if you want to use it with Time Machine. If you want to use the Touro Mobile Pro on both Ma and Windows, you'll probably leave the formatting as is.

We tested the 750GB ($130) Touro Mobile Pro. Hitachi also sells a for $110. After we reformatted the Touro Mobile Pro to HFS+ Journaled, we put it through its paces, and found the Touro was quite swift. In our USB 2.0 2GB file write and read tests and AJA system read test, the drive came within 0.5MBps or less of reaching the highest speed achieved by drives we've tested. In the AJA system write test, it had the fastest recorded USB 2.0 rates, topping other portable hard drives we've tested.

We also examined the drive's USB 3.0 speed by attaching it to HighPoint's ( Macworld rated 4.5 out of 5 mice ) card and performing the same tests. The results? In all, the Touro Mobile Pro beat out other USB 3.0 drives we've tested, writing a 2GB file at 92.9MBps and posting AJA system write and read scores as high as 107.1MBps and 112.0MBps, respectively.

If you need a handy portable drive that matches your mobile iOS device, Hitachi's Touro Mobile Pro is a great choice. It's fast and also gives you some extra online storage, something most people would appreciate.