Hands-On with NVIDIA TegraZone Mobile Games


Unfortunately, Samurai II would crash every time I tried to launch it on the G2x. Might be worth keeping an eye out to see if the developer updates the app to resolve this issue.

Bottom Line: For now, skip it unless you want to pay for an unplayable app.

Monster Madness ($7.99)

The mobile version of a game available on the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3, Monster Madness is an eyesore. The game places you in the shoes of one of four characters to fight wave after wave of monsters. While this sounds fun on paper, the dull and repetitive gameplay manages to make the whole thing a chore. The voice acting is terrible to the point where you want to turn all sounds off. The game does feature Co-Op, which requires that you and a friend be connected locally via Wi-Fi to team up and fight zombies together. Why you would want to torture a friend with this game, however, is beyond me.

Bottom Line: Avoid it completely.