Hackers step up game, spread malware using Bin Laden bait


Today, Symantec said it had touting photos and video of the U.S. attack's aftermath. The messages, which so far have been written in French, Portuguese and Spanish, lead users to a fake CNN Web site where they're told to download video.

As in the F-Secure instance, the download is, in fact, a "dropper" that in turn downloads malicious code to the Windows PC.

Bin Laden scams are also spreading quickly on Facebook, Hypponen and others said.

The latest scam plays on the reputation of Wikileaks, the organization that has leaked thousands of U.S. military and diplomatic messages during the last year.

"Osama is dead, watch this exclusive CNN video which was censored by Obama Administration due to level of violence, a must watch," claims the Facebook spam. "Leaked by Wikileaks."