Green Computing: The Good And The Bad


The , which is essentially a USB-powered plastic button, puts any Windows based machine, except those running Windows 7, into a . Once activated, the included software will then monitor your computers power usage, in addition to recording how much CO2 the Eco Button has saved.

The problem? The Eco Button is largely unnecessary, since such low-power modes can be implemented via software-only fixes. Considering the materials and energy used to manufacture it, the Eco Button could be doing more harm than good. The final icing on this not-so-green cake? The seems to be a second-rate imitation of another .

That said, there are numerous other ways to green up your OC.

Environmentally Sound Solutions

Lowering your CO2 emissions () by reducing your power consumption can be achieved by turning to more environmentally friendly products and services. Francine Kizner looks at how you can with this run-down of eight handy eco-gadgets, but for those more concerned with be sure to read over the following tips: