Google's Rumored Twitter Buyout Could Raise Privacy Concerns


Yet, Twitter already allows searches of its member's messages and nobody seems to care. Visit and see if the information you find could be used in ways Twitter users might not like.

Give people a free service and they forget the value of what they are giving up in exchange for it. People will, however, start to realize it when the services start selling this information and it begins to be used in overt (and annoying) ways to separate users from their money.

The covert use of this information has probably been going on for a long time, often in ways people don't object to. Or don't know they should object to.

People say social network use is addictive. They are right in more ways than they probably realize. Once you're hooked on social networking what used to be fun can turn on you, showing a bad side you never realized you'd signed-up for.

Put Twitter and Google together, then just wait and see.