Getting geeky with Twitterrific and AppleScript


You can also write an AppleScript script that will process incoming Tweets and do things with them. (There's a sample script included in the Twitterrific archive you downloaded with the app. You opened it, right? Nope--didn't think so.)

The other day, pointed out that he was following on Twitter. For those of you who aren't old and decrepit like Bob and I, the was a program for the Mac back in the old days. The Talking Moose was a character who would randomly pop up on your Mac and, using the Mac's text-to-speech technology, say something funny or crazy. Now someone has ported the Talking Moose to Twitter, bless 'em.

So I was struck with the idea--what if I could get the Talking Moose Twitter stream to speak out loud, in the style of the old Talking Moose? What a useless idea. But hey, I figured, if I succeed I'll get a blog post on out of it. And here we are.

So here's my script:

on process_tweet(tweetId, tweetDate, tweetScreenName, tweetUserName, tweetUserUrl, tweetUserImageUrl, tweetText, tweetType)