Getting geeky with Twitterrific and AppleScript


end process_tweet

That's it. Of course, you could stack on other behaviors based on other Twitter Screen Names. I tacked on an extra set of lines to speak breaking news from breaking-news accounts that I follow. You could even get it to declare when got clean clothes in his . It's up to you.

I saved my script, talkingmoose.scpt, in my home folder. Then, in order to tell Twitterrific to execute the thing, it's time for another trip to the Terminal, to execute this command:

defaults write com.iconfactory.Twitterrific processTweetScriptPath -string ~/talkingmoose.scpt

That's it. Quick Twitterrific and re-launch it, and your script will execute every time new tweets arrive. If one from the Talking Moose arrives--assuming, of course, you're dumb enough to follow TalkingMoose--it will be spoken to you in Macintalk Fred, for my money the proper old-school Mac voice for the musings of the Talking Moose. (If you'd prefer your messages sound like the autopilot in the Pixar film WALL-E, use Ralph instead of Fred.)