Geek Reads: The Hacker Crackdown Finale


David: I actually assumed it was way younger when I first read this book; like I would have said mid to late nineties, but that's because that was when I first heard of them.

Alex: I can't remember a time without them, but I guess that says more about my memory than their age; they have their roots in the NuPrometheus League of 1989.

Nate: In summary: The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) are the civil libertarians fighting for capital-F freedom in cyberspace, essentially extending the Constitution into the ether.

Alex: Well, in a way....but the narrative gets muddy before the trial of Knight Lightning.

Alex: I mean, the early electronic expressions of civil libertarianism essentially amount to righteous software piracy. Information should be free, power to the people and all that.