Forecasting 2007


"I always treat my Blackberry as my personal assistant, who helps me manage my daily schedule for social and personal contact in a well organized way," said Yue. "I can't imagine how inconvenient it would be to live without 'her'."

Locandro: "I can't live without my Sony Ericsson P910i phone/PDA. With a busy lifestyle I feel I need to be connected real time with messages and meeting changes. The outlook calendars are synchronized from home and office so there is no double booking and clashes with events."

"Carrying your contacts and favorite restaurants on the PDA is also handy in exchanging information with others," said Locandro. "I never carry a diary."

Howard Dickson, the GCIO, offered a more philosophical response: "The basic answer to this question should be 'none' as prudent business and risk management philosophies suggest that we should not rely entirely on technologies and tech devices," he declared. "That said, the Internet and broadband access to it, whether in fixed or mobile mode, have enabled some very basic and frequently used applications to enhance our business and daily lives."

"All the more we need to be concerned about proper security and privacy when using tech devices and environments," concluded the GCIO.