Forecasting 2007


"Emphasis on online security will increase next year," said CLP's Locandro. "Identity fraud is ever-increasing and there are professionally funded, well organized white-collar criminals devising new means of [illegally] accessing funds on the internet. Companies and citizens are vulnerable to various means of fraud from phishing to collecting personal information from dummy web sites, requiring countermeasures. So buy shares in IT security companies...even better, buy shares in ethical hacking companies."

"Web 2.0," said Charles Mok, "but people (including its proponents) need an idea of exactly what Web 2.0 is first. Social networking, blogging, RSS...all these and other new applications will continue to change the way people aggregate and communicate on the web, but [we'll see] a growing gap of user appreciation between the 'publish' model of Web 1.0 and the 'metaphor of people' model of Web 2.0. A different kind of 'digital divide' emerging?"

Sunny Lee agreed: "Web 2.0: The maturity and wide adoption of technologies such as XML and web services will deliver great value to businesses and make e-living more enjoyable." Lee also said that digital home entertainment would break big: "The introduction of digital TV broadcasting in HK, coupled with rapid development in digital media technology and content, will make this a fun area for businesses and couch potatoes alike." But the Jockey Club IT expert also cautioned about the rise of: "Web-aholics': people addicted to the Internet, including those who hooked on online gaming, ICQ, messaging, etc."

The one device or technology you absolutely can't live without?

Leung: "Dopod P800 with GPS function."