Five Ways Amazon Could Improve Kindle


5. Integration With Amazon S3 Storage

If Amazon gets the document handling under control, what's to stop them from taking things one logical step further, and allowing you to access your files stored online using the Web-based storage platform? Imagine a service offering that lets you use your Kindle to handle documents you store documents online, only to access them as needed via your Kindle or your PC. It's a minor thing, perhaps, today, but it could also open up how Kindle can be used--and could expand Kindle's usability beyond just being a digital book reader. That, in turn, could make broaden its appeal.

While Kindle could easily run the risk of trying to be trying to do too much, and do none of it well, the idea of broadening Kindle's scope and capabilities has potential, too. In tight times, even a gadget that does one thing very well will become more appealing to buyers if it can also do a few more things well, too.