Five Ways Amazon Could Improve Kindle


3. Faster Speed

Rumor has it that Kindle 2 will use the latest E-Ink technology with a chipset from Broadsheet. Already found in the newest of Sony's Digital Book Readers, the new chipset is faster, so pages redraw faster than before.

4. Better File Handling

Kindle needs this desperately. Unlike its competition from Sony's Digtal Book Readers, Kindle doesn't have integrated PDF reading. Its PDF handling is downright kludgy, as its Word and Excel document handling is nearly as poor (with all of these formats, and others, you have to to yourself).

By opening up Kindle to handle other file types, Kindle broadens its usefulness and moves beyond being a one-trick gadget. And its flexibility. Suddenly, you could store all of your device manuals in PDF on a Kindle; you could use the Kindle to proof documents; or, you could use the Kindle in ways heretofore unimagined, but mad viable by something as simple as universal file handling.