Equal opportunity in IT?


But I believe many have a difficult time balancing career and family. Building a career in this industry is very demanding, both in terms of time and energy. After they've reached certain management level, most women are forced to make a choice between career and family.

CWHK: What are the challenges for Hong Kong female IT professionals to advance in their career?

AM: To strike a good balance between the professional and personal life is never easy, especially for the working mother. Of course it's more challenging to be a working mother than a full-time homemaker, particularly if they lack support from their husbands.

But I have a lot of respect for women who have given up careers for their families. I realize many capable women in the industry have chosen not to pursue their career once they reach mid-level management, because that is often at the same time that they start a family and have children, who need a lot of time and support. It's a really a difficult choice to make.

CWHK: How do you balance career and family?