Enterprise apps find a space on consumer devices


Enterprise software companies are heeding the call. IBM for its Maximo workflow software for the iPhone, allowing repairmen the ability to update their status directly from the shop floor. Sybase , called Afaria, to help system administrators maintain better control over iPhones and iPads within their domain.

The use of more consumer devices in the workplace represents a sea-change in enterprise IT in general, noted Harry Labana, chief technology officer for Citrix. "IT has been of the mindset of predicting what the user wants, but that fundamental handshake between employer and employee has shifted," he said.

"The new workforce is more goal-oriented. They know they have to get something done, so they are far more knowledgeably equipped to pick the tools they need," he said.

What is the advantage of using a consumer device? One is superior usability. A lot of thought has been put into making consumer devices as easy to use as possible. As a result, such devices can make employers more efficient, Labana said.

"If you can make a doctor or lawyer five percent more productive, well, that's a big payback, financially," said Chris Fleck, Citrix vice president of community and solutions development.