Droid Sales and the Android Explosion


First, the iPhone 3GS was building upon a massive base of existing iPhone owners, many of whom were guaranteed to be grabbing at Apple's updated model (or, let's be honest, practically anything new Apple offered) the second it hit store shelves. Droid didn't share this advantage; it was a first-generation product without an established fanbase.

Second, and equally noteworthy, the iPhone 3GS during its first week. The Droid launched only in America. Taking that into consideration, the difference in sales suddenly doesn't seem quite so overwhelming.

Now, does that make the Droid an "iPhone killer"? As I've stated many times before, that's a phrase I refuse to use in any serious fashion ( for my thoughts on how anyone who does use it should be punished -- and yes, CNNMoney.com writer who actually employed the term in a title today, that means you).

What I will say is that this data certainly suggests a strong sprint out of the gate for the Droid -- and, perhaps more important, for the Android platform in general.

The Android Explosion