Did Hulu deserve an Eddy?


The purpose of the Editors' Choice Awards should be to highlight great products for Mac users--regardless of whether they're available on a disk or through a browser window. That's why the same year that we handed a trophy over to Google Apps, we also recognized for pushing new changes in the online music retail market as well as the great online photo-editing site, . That's also why two years ago, for... for... uh...

OK, you've got me on YouTube.

But the point is, there are a lot of great products and services out there that can assist, enlighten, elevate, and, yes, even entertain Mac users. Some run on the Mac itself. Some plug into the Mac or access it wirelessly. Some run on an iPhone or an iPod touch (and we'll be honoring our favorite iPhone apps later this month). And some, you use via a Web browser.

Hulu is one of those great products. The fact that it's browser-based shouldn't preclude it from being recognized as such.--PHILIP MICHAELS