Deal With Your Internet Pet Peeves With These Chrome Extensions


The simplest way of dealing with annoying regular trends used to be to change your location to Venezuela. Since then, though, to make trending topics a bit more meaningful to you. Still, there's one surefire way to ensure that Justin Bieber never makes an appearance on your sidebar.

Made by 18-year-old , the Purge Twitter Topics plugin will automatically hide trending topics from showing up if they include the name of certain pop stars--and you can add your own in as well. It's not available on the Chrome Web Store, but you can (note: link will appear as a bunch of gibberish if you're not running Chrome).

I've been using these extensions for a while to help me stay a little bit calmer when browsing, and while they individually only fix small things, it really helps. I'm still waiting for someone to build a working sarcasm detector, though--my search in the Chrome Web Store for "sarcasm" didn't come back with any results, but I'm not sure if it was being serious or not...

makes things about stuff on the internet. When not wasting time , he writes about video games and turns jokes in to one-off websites.