Days of Thunder for iPhone


I only noticed a few small annoyances with Days of Thunder. The first is that load times can be a bit slow, which isn't surprising as this isn't a small program. I also noticed some frame rate drops when I received a mail message in the background; these only lasted for a few seconds, but were quite noticeable. Finally, the game makes your opponents behave in odd ways to keep things interesting. Your car can go zooming past someone without any trouble, but within a couple seconds--even if you don't slow down--they'll be right up on your bumper, banging away. Unrealistic, indeed--but then again, it helps keep the game fun, so I eventually stopped paying attention to the behavior.

All in all, Days of Thunder is a hoot to play. The graphics are quite good, the sound effects are well done, and the game play is entertaining. If you like auto racing games, Days of Thunder is worth the cost of admission--whether that's at its current US$1 special price (an amazing bargain), or even at its usual $5 price tag.

Days of Thunder is compatible with any iPhone or iPod touch running the iPhone 2.2 software update.

[Senior editor Rob Griffiths is waiting for an iPhone game version of Far and Away, so long as we're mining old Tom Cruise movies for game ideas.]