BYOD is a user-driven movement, not a secure mobile device strategy


* Deploy the solution in stages: Identify clusters to hit based on business use, business risk, device type, user maturity, physical location and other user/device/business attributes, and then prioritize, deploy and validate.

"IT administrators face increasingly sophisticated consumer devices accessing their networks, forcing a shift from a traditionally conservative stance on corporate devices to one that is more progressive," says Ayrapetov, whose company recently announced a new release of its SRA EX9000 appliance and Mobile Connect client to provide secure access for users of Windows, Windows Mobile, Apple Mac OS and iOS, Google Android and systems. "The time-window for device approval and validation in most networks will shorten drastically, making it imperative that the IT security industry step up to meet the demand of IT administrators to solve these challenges."

If organizations continue to embrace BYOD and recognize that a comprehensive secure mobility program will be required to proceed, we should see great IT security successes in the near future. Of course, success in driven in part by the manufacturers of these devices, and the security vendors helping to manage and protect them.

Martin is a CISSP and the founder of imsmartin consulting. Write him at

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