Ask the GeekTechers: How Steve Jobs Impacted Our Lives


Nick Mediati: "I don't have too much to say, but I will say that there aren't many people in the world who I'd consider to be my role models. Steve Jobs, though, would be one of those people. I admired his singular vision, his attention to detail, and the fact that he demanded the best not only from those around him, but from himself, too. More than anything else, this lasting legacy of Jobs made the biggest impact on me."

Joshua Schnell at : "One man changed the way we listen to music, the way we read the news, the way we share our lives with others. He, along with , put computers in our homes, music in our pockets, and most recently gave us a better phone, a modern phone. He innovated where no one thought innovation could happen. He did it with vigour and a passion that I can only hope I can match some day."

Albert Filice: "Three years ago, when I first started college, I was a diehard PC/Windows fan. Halfway through my freshman year, after getting a taste of Mac OS X by way of a Hackintosh, I got my first MacBook. It was the black matte MacBook and I had to trade a Dell XPS, an 8GB iPod touch, and a PlayStation 2 for it. I never regretted that decision, and a year later I traded up to a 2009 MacBook Pro, the computer I still use today. Thinking back on all the amazing things I've done with Apple products makes me realize the impact that Apple and Steve Jobs had on my life."