Apple executives speak: On toaster-fridges, financial guidance, and lawsuits


There's no plan to be in 10,000 [stores]. We're trying some things, and as you know that doesn't include the Mac. We're trying some things and seeing how it goes. They've been a very good partner for us on iPod, been selling iPod for awhile, and are an increasingly more substantial partner in the iPad space as well, and an evolving partner on iPhone. And so, we're working with them, and enjoyed working with them, and hope to continue expanding.

Y'know, I've always hated litigation, and continue to hate it. We just want people to invent their own stuff. If we could get some kind of arrangement where we could be assured that's the case and a fair settlement on the stuff that's occurred, I would highly prefer to settle versus battle.

But the key thing is, it's very important that Apple not become the developer for the world. We need people to invent their own stuff.