Apple Brings iWork to iPhones, But Problems Remain


Most of these problems are not unique to iWork. They're across the board problems in the way iOS handles documents. But many third-party applications, including Documents To Go and QuickOffice, make finding and opening your documents on cloud-based services and much easier, while also supporting iDisk access. Hopefully Apple will improve iWork for iOS here as it in the weeks to come.

But when it comes to feature-set and ease-of-use, the iWork apps are the best applications with which to edit business documents on the iPhone.

If that sounds like I'm saying "It's the best of a bad lot," it's because it is.

Like most of its smartphone-based office software competitors, the iWork applications on the iPhone are probably best used to view or display documents. If you have a second iDevice you can even use the to manage a presentation being run from the first device.

Use it in a pinch to update a presentation with the latest numbers or specifications, or to add an item or two to a list when you're on the go and don't have access to your tablet. But don't plan on it--or any other smartphone-based office suite--to do any kind of heavy lifting for your business.