A ride to excellence


TS: No doubt that Daniel did a great job in cultivating IT talent at MTR Corp. The IT team at the MTR Corp has many talented IT professionals and I'm delighted to have such a great team to work with.

On the other hand, it is also quite a challenge to keep a team of 130 permanent staff motivated at all times. A sense of achievement is a big part of motivation, and many employees at the MTR Corp are very loyal and eager to bring significant contributions to the company.

Being new to the team, I'm in a good position to generate discussions that create these opportunities. I'm keen to challenge the status quo and encourage my team do so by commenting and suggesting new ideas for each other. Through these discussions, we are able to evaluate our own work with new perspectives and generated new ideas and projects for the team to improve.

Another challenge for us is the issue of aging. In the upcoming six to seven years, a few senior managers in my department will be retiring. I am hoping to fill these positions through internal promotion and this is the right time to start developing the next generation managers, thus succession planning is on a high priority.

Part of the plan for talent-cultivation is also to introduce a job-rotation program for key performers in key positions. It's important that these next-generation leaders are able to expand their technical knowledge and business skills.