A ride to excellence


CWHK: How did your experience from the vendor side help in your current role?

TS: It's been a tremendous help. My vendor background allows me to be more approachable by many local IT service providers. And understanding how vendors operate allows me to drive a more optimal deployment--and be in a better position for negotiation.

When I was on the vendor side, I always had to work out the best technical and cost-effective solution for clients and deliver a long-term strategy for them. The experiences of managing various government-related projects--the relocation of border control system to the Chek Lap Kok airport, the e-passport implementation and the development of ESDLife portal -- were excellent learning experiences for my current role.

In addition, learning global best practices and methodologies from the vendors I worked for also enabled me to work with my team for further improvement.

CWHK: What directions and improvement do you plan to bring to the organization and your team?