Your own private Google


Next time somebody cruises Google looking for you, it will display your profile at the bottom of the first page of search results. And if there's more than one profile with the same name? Google will rank the results just like it does any other search, by sprinkling magic G-dust over the Web and murmuring a super secret incantation.

Per :

Google's Joe Kraus told me a little bit more about how the profile links will work. Basically, as more people make profiles, there will be an algorithm (as usual, Google isn't sharing too many details about it) that decides which four are the most relevant. That relevance could be based on the completeness of the profile, geographic location, links, and more. Plus, if a user is logged into their Google account, their social connections in Google would also play a role.

In other words, the more information you provide in your profile, the more Google likes you. And if you're already one of the Google faithful, Uncle G will give you an extra special treat. Is it only me, or does anyone else out there find that just a bit creepy?

What Google's really doing is pulling the wings off all those gnat-sized people search engines like Spock, Spokeo, Pipl, Wink, ZoomInfo, Naymz, etc. If enough people create profiles, those little engines will plummet to earth.