World Wiki Plus for iPhone


You can view World Wiki's entries in landscape mode, and the app's san serif typeface is easier to read than World Factbook's more academic serif font. And you can zoom in and out of World Wiki's entries with a just tap. This makes reading easier, since the default type size is quite small.

But the World Wiki Plus's maps aren't worth zooming in to scrutinize. I thought World Factbook 2008's maps were too static too be useful and too small to view easily. But at least you could see where a country's capital and other major cities are located. World Wiki Plus has a similar problem. It, too, uses the CIA World Factbook's small, static maps. The zoomable maps only show you where the country is on a globe. I guess that's fine as far as it goes, and I wouldn't expect World Atlas quality, but more detail is certainly preferable to less.

Another National Anthem: World Wiki Plus lets you listen to many of the world's national anthems, though you'll need a Wi-Fi or 3G connection to take advantage of this feature.

One of the most noteworthy features of World Wiki Plus is the inclusion of many of the world's national anthems. But unlike the rest of the app, listening to the national anthems requires a live connection, preferably Wi-Fi or 3G. Hearing the stirring chords of Lofsöngur, Iceland's national anthem, make it all worthwhile.

If I had the power, I would let users of World Wiki Plus choose either the "wiki" page or the CIA World Factbook listings as the default setting. And I would make every single map viewable up close. Finally, if developers are going to take the time and trouble to compile all of this useful government data in a convenient application, they should go all the way and include the appendices from the Factbook, too.