Working at Starbucks? Lock Down Your Data with HotSpot Shield


In my quick tests, Hotspot Shield worked seamlessly, activating the VPN in just a few seconds and then getting out of the way while I browsed, checked e-mail, etc. I noticed no lag time during any of these activities.

The only caveat is that during installation, the program tries to install toolbars and other junk you definitely don’t want -- so clear all the checkboxes as you proceed through the installation screens.

Also, consider , which removes ads, optimizes bandwidth, and adds protection against other types of infected Web sites, including those that promulgate spam and attempt identity theft.

An annual HotSpot Shield Elite subscription costs $29.99, though you can also get it for $4.99 monthly. If you’re only an occasional public-hotspot user, you can buy Elite "day passes" for 50 cents apiece (in packs of 20).

Whatever version you use, Hotspot Shield is a great solution for staying safe at public hotspots. I definitely recommend taking it for a test-surf.