Wii turns two as industry dominance continues


A resurgent Sega could also be in the mix, with core titles like and both making waves before they've even received solid release dates.

Online, year three for the Wii could feature a Renaissance of sorts, as Nintendo continues to heavily promote WiiWare and a mysterious ." Already, titles like Lost Winds, World of Goo and Strong Bad have proven there's *some* money and fame to be made in the digital distribution space, so long as you have a product worth buying.

The new "retro remake" category could also find a new home on the Wii in 2009. blazed the trail, followed by Gradius Rebirth; and today even Konami is allegedly testing the waters for some potential 8-bit remake goodness (Castlevania, please?).

Voice chat also made a late appearance this year on the Wii with the tandem offering of and . It's limited in scope, especially when compared to what exists on the 360 and PS3, but for many Wii owners it's a welcome addition nevertheless.

So the Wii turned two this week. And, in spite of the passionate discussion it's created amongst the former gatekeepers of gaming, it's sold at a pace previously experienced only by Sony's 10-tear-old PS2. Who knows; when we look back at the Wii in eight years, there could very well be a new king of the hill.