WiFiFoFum for iPhone

wants you to make the jump onto its network with the release of its popular Wi-Fi scanning utility WiFiFoFum for the iPhone.

WiFiFoFum scans for wireless 802.11 networks and displays detailed information for each network it identifies. A radar graphic shows the locations of each network while integrating Google Maps support to provide accurate graphical representations.

While the iPhone's built-in ability to scan for networks is fine, WiFiFoFum really shines through with the ability to distinguish signal strength using the RSSI channel. If your mobile device has GPS capabilities, access points can also be saved to KML logs which can be e-mailed or imported into Google Maps. As an administrator responsible for multiple networks, I've found this particular feature to be quite helpful; it may also prove handy for those who do auditing on their private or corporate networks, as it shows multiple access points and ad-hocs (a decentralized network) rather precisely. WiFiFoFum may also prove a worthy option for those who are searching for a network by vehicle via laptop or mobile device--a practice known as wardriving.

Despite the clear advantages over the iPhone's built-in Wi-Fi scanning utility, I'd like to see Aspecto bridge the gap between finding access points and actually joining them. Still, at US$3, I consider WiFiFoFum to be a bargain for providing this degree of mobile functionality.

WiFiFoFum is compatible with any iPhone or iPod touch running the iPhone 2.2 software update.

[Daniel P. Sama is a systems administrator, network administrator, IT consultant, writer and entrepreneur from Philadelphia.]