While Good on Privacy, Google+ Is Not Perfect


Some point to Google's advertising business as another concern. With social networking, you the user are putting quite a good deal of data about yourself in the hands of the site. For Google, this could be valuable in the future to not only serve you relevant ads on Google+ (if they ever come), or even across the Google family of sites for that matter.

"Google's business is the monetization of personal data," SecurityPost researcher Dominic White . "Data that was never online, (hence digitized, searchable and comparable) now is, and 'there's gold in them hills'."

Photographers may also find themselves on the short end of the Google+ stick due to a few clauses in the service's . Pointed out by online photography magazine , the photographers abilities to make money from their photography may be greatly diminished.

That is because by posting images on Google services, the photographer then gives the right to use that image in a royalty-free manner in any method Google desires.