Where are all these files coming from?



Valuable file data on shared file systems is plentiful in most organizations and comes from a number of sources, including applications, databases, knowledge workers, digital media and ad-hoc business processes. It's got obvious value to your business, and regulators and auditors recognize its value too. Unfortunately, if you're harboring any malicious insiders, they're also coveting this data. That's reason enough for you to spend some time getting a handle on who has access to your file data, which users are actually using it, who owns it, and how to ensure that access is based on a business need-to-know.

Raphael Reich is Director of Product Marketing at Imperva. Prior to joining Imperva, he held senior positions in product management and product marketing at Varonis, Cisco, Check Point, Echelon and Network General. Additionally, Reich was a software engineer at Digital Equipment Corporation. He has over twenty years of business experience and holds a bachelors degree in computer science from UC Santa Cruz and an MBA from UCLA.